The history of the Ural Russian Drama Theater began in the middle of the XIX century. The first theatre was built in 1858 by initiation of Ataman Stolypin. The theatre opened doors with stage "Poverty Is No Crime" by A.N. Ostrovsky in the autumn of 1859. Played troupe consisted of amateurs.

In 1889, the merchant-philanthropist F. Makarov built new theatre to his own expense in Uralsk.

Professional actors and directors, who were specially invited by entrepreneur, worked on the stage at the end of the 1880-1890 years. Throughout the years of the twentieth century, director E.Muromtsev (1901-1904) and directors T.Luchitsky and B.Orzhanov (1905-1910) worked in the theatre. The first years of the work, theatre’s repertoire was based on classical works. However, contemporary plays of Leo Tolstoy, Anton Chekhov and Maxim Gorky appeared in the beginning of XX century.

The theatre becomes a real cultural center, and gets love and respect among the intelligentsia, workers and employees in a small provincial Uralsk.

In different years of the work, the theater has repeatedly appealed to the Kazakh national Classics, which undoubtedly enriched the repertoire with stages such as: "Kozys Korpesh and Bayan Sulu" by G.Musrepov, "Chokan Valihanov" and "Botagoz" by S.Mukanov, "Stronger than death" by S.Zhunusov.

During the Civil War, when there was heavy fighting in the city, the theatre continued its work. Schiller's play "The Robbers", "Intrigue and Love" were performed on the stage.

During the Great Patriotic War, evacuated theaters' troupe - Belarusian Drama Theatre and the Karelian-Finnish Operetta Theatre worked on our stage.

For many years the theatre had toured in regions of the country: Kherson and Nikolayev, Novorossiysk and Maikop, Groznyi and Ordzhonikidze, Volgograd, Donetsk, Astrakhan, Makhachkala, Nalchik, Orenburg, Barnaul.

At different times in the theatre were such celebrities such as Nina Alisova, Oleg Strizhenov, Oleg Tabakov.

The theatre's repertoire has a lot of performances, which staged on the works of the classics of Russian literature, world and Kazakh national Classics. Each season of the theatre makes 5-7 new productions.

Today, the theater continues to live and please their audience with new premieres. Chief Director of the theater is Oksana Malusha. The troupe is regularly updated with new staff, graduates of the Saratov State Conservatory named after L.Sobinova, Samara State Academy of Culture and Arts, the Kazakh National Academy of Arts named after T.Zhurgenov, Moscow State University of Culture and Arts (MGUKI).

Among the bright and interesting theatrical works: a comedy based on the play of Alexander Ostrovsky "The truth - good, but happiness is better" (directed by O.Malusha), a parable on the novel by Chingiz Aitmatov "Plaha" (directed by the director of Samara - A.Malcev), a comedy by Alexander Ostrovsky "FOREST", which directed by the chief director of the theatre O. Malusha.

In 2002-2003, a total reconstruction was provided, and decorated cozy and spacious auditorium with 305 seats. Today, the theatre's troupe has 30 artists.

Wonderful tradition of the Ural Theatre is opening a new season with play of the great Alexander Ostrovsky, whose name was deservedly given to the oldest theatre in the Republic. The plan of the theatre has a lot of interesting ideas for new performances of both Russian and foreign literature classics, plays of national authors and modern Russian and foreign literature authors.

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Ural Rotunda

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Ancient settlement "Zhaiyk"

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