Address:Pavlodar, Lenin Street 149. Tel: +7(7182) 32-14-85
The Pavlodar regional museum of history and local history after G. N. Potanin was founded in 1942 on the base of regional section «Society of study Kazakhstan». Famous photographer-student of local history Dmitri Polikarpovich Bagayev became the first director and founder of the museum. At first the museum funds are photographs collection and pieces collected by Pavlodar historians and amateurs-students of local history.
The museum is situated in four buildings – monuments of architecture of the end of XIX century connected with history of the town. The main building of the museum is situated in the 149th house on Lenin Street built in 1896 for a merchant of the top guild A. Derev specially for the trade rows. The building was given to the museum in 1977. At the present time there are expositional halls and scientific library. The section of museum funds is situated in the 129 housewhereA. S. Sorokin spent years of the childhood and youth. There are many rare photographs and documents in the funds. Administration, inside sections are situated on the second floor of the old building which was Philatov’s house, and then became a post-telegraph office. The fourth building is outbuilding (Lenin Street, 131). It was built by Sorokin for household needs. Now there is an archeological laboratory.
Nowadays there are 79 437 pieces in the museum. Exposition is situated in 9 halls of: nature, archeology, ethnography, the hall of history of Priirtyshiye of XV-XIX cc., the hall of development of economics and culture of Priirtyshiye of the end of XIX -the beginning of XX cc., the hall of revolution and civil war, the hall of Great Patriotic war, the hall of history and modern development of Pavlodar region.
Two halls of the museum were devoted to the nature of the region. There are examples of the ancient fauna of the region: a skeleton of hypparion from a unique palaehthological monument “Transmigration of geese”, a full skeleton of deer with big antlers which was found in sedimentation of Irtysh track, a skeleton of mammoth gathered during excavations in different districts of Priirtyshiye also skeletons of extinct animals.
Expositions of the archeology hall shows history of the region during thousand years. There are findings of archeological studies by the expedition of Archeology institution after A. H. Margulan and Pavlodar archeological expedition of the museum. The most ancient ones are stone weapons found in sites-workshops of Palaeolith. Findings on Shiderti-3 site demonstrate development of culture of Mesolithic-Eneolithic. Human’s burial was found in this site. The exposition presents findings from burial grounds Michurino-1 and Kara-Tumsyk of Andronov age. Pre-Andronov period is presented by the following findings: bronze kelts, daggers, tips of darts. There are wonderful pieces of ironic age – Sarmats’ two swords and akinaks,bronze solid bits, metal-plastics things with examples of animal style, different arrowheads. Section of middle ages archeology presents complete sets of bridles, different buchles from bones and bronze, bronze and golden earrings, complete set of belts and things from Kimak cenotaph. Also there is a woman’s headdress from sheet silver “Bokka”, a silver mirror with plot scenes of horseman’s pursuit for animals and rite sewn pendants in the exposition.
Hall of ethnography presents the yurt and its furniture: carpets, mats, a bed, cupboard for dish, besik (child’s cradle), a table, chests and other things of everyday life show Kazakh people’ s life. The exposition contains examples of woman’s and man’s clothes, belts, jewelry, musical instruments. A part of the exposition in the hall imitates a room in the wooden house with Russian stove and everyday life things. There is a memorial complex to D. P. Bagayev. The exposition of history of Priirtyshiye in XV-XIX cc. shows cold steel and firearms: sabers, a dagger, chain armor, an infantry hatchet, a broadsword, flintlock. The hall reproduces the period of settlement of tribes of the Middle zhuz, the formation of Irtysh defensive line and establishment of Pavlodar. There are interesting things of town dwellers’ everyday life and examples of the interior in the hall of economics and culture of Priirtyshiye. They are harmonium, a cupboard with dish, gramophone, a wooden table, two armchairs, a mirror of Venetian glass, a chandelier, a hand cash register of pre-revolutionary time. Gun from a battery of a Hero of the Soviet Union M. K. Kairbekov is a unique piece of the hall devoted to the Great Patriotic war.
Presentations of the exhibitions from republican museum collections, from own collections are organized in the museum. Master-classes, lessons of local history, lections-concerts and recitals are held. У музея имеется научная библиотека и три филиала: There are the scientific library and three branches of the museum, they are D.P. Bagayev House-museum , Maira Shamsutdinova House-museum of songs and the War fame museum.