A significant event in the cultural and spiritual life of Kazakhstan was the discovery in 2010 - the Museum of rare books RSE "Gylym Ordasy". The main task of the museum was to reflect the way by unique editions, which pass the book from the first manuscript to modern pieces of art of printing. In addition, the museum attracts the attention of all book lovers of the city, as the center of national history and culture of books.
During two years, the museum created a unique collection of books. The museum took transferred storage and donated dozens of priceless books from the Central Scientific Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Institute of Linguistics after A.Baytursynov and other known public figures of the country.
Today, the fund of the Museum includes collection of more than 500 rare books and manuscripts. Chronological coverage includes the period from the XVIII-XIX centuries and up to 40 years of the XX century. The museum has native and foreign manuscripts, early printed books and manuscripts in Arabic and Latin, which has great historical, cultural and scientific values.
The exposition of the museum catalyzed and divided into four main sections: the ancient written heritage of the Kazakh steppe; Manuscript - the legacy of centuries; Early native editions; Written and printed monuments of Kazakhstan.
A unique manuscript "Diuani Hikmat" (Wisdom) by K.A.Yassaui is presented among manuscripts and books in the museum. Unlike other Eastern writers of preach Islam, Yassaui wrote works in the Turkic language, accessible for all people. He constantly used the Kipchak proverbs and other expressions in his works. Extant work "Diuani Hikmet" of K.A.Yassaui is a collection of poems that highly regarded and studied over the world.
In order to present the Kazakh manuscript tradition for visitors, section "Manuscript - the legacy of centuries" presents a manuscript collection of poems of Abay, Shakarim Kudaiberdiyev, Mashkhur Zhusup Kopeev, Birzhan sal Koramysuly and Baluan Sholak.
The section "Writing and printing monuments of Kazakhstan" presents the first printed edition of Kazakhstan. The exposition reveals the background and historical conditions of the emergence of national publishing houses, history and fate of the first national newspaper.
Exhibition "Treasures from the past" acts in the walls of the museum, which includes printed books, the first printed edition, lifetime works and manuscripts of prominent public figures with historical and local values. Also here is a collection of scientific books of scientists studying ethnography, literature, history of the Kazakh people, and lifetime editions of famous writers of the XVIIІ-XIX centuries.
The Museum of rare books constantly provides thematic exhibitions on the frame of cultural works, which are popular among visitors. Several years the museum held the same exhibition such as "A collection of miniature books", "Books in the stream of time", "Kazakh steppe through the eyes of Russian researchers" (dedicated to the anniversaries of eminent scientists: the 190th anniversary of N.Ilminsky, 185 anniversary of T.Semenov, the 175th anniversary of V.Radloff, the 115th anniversary of V.Katarinsky, the 100th anniversary of L.Gumilev), "Heritage of Altynsarin" (dedicated to the 170th anniversary of the national educator Altynsarin), "Rare books of Eastern Europe" (XVII-XIX centuries), Exhibition of books and manuscripts from the personal library of D.A.Kunaev (dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the statesman), "Early Printed Kazakh books", "Kazakh books in the Latin alphabet" and etc.
Great importance is given to scientific staff of the museum and educational work. Museum regularly provides tours, lectures and consultations for students of secondary and higher education, and scientific seminars and conferences.
The museum of history of Almaty was opened in September 2002. Themuseum, which did not have address and moved from the building to building, was kept by worker’s enthusiasm for a long time.
Kazakh folk musical instruments museum was found in 1980. As well as similar establishments which are engaged in collecting and storing of historical monuments and works of art, it is a calling card of Almaty.