The Monument of Independence of Kazakhstan is located in the central square of Almaty, as Baiterek (Astana), it is an architectural-sculpture composition, which is a symbol of modern Kazakhstan. Independence Monument was inaugurated on 16 December 1996. President of Kazakhstan had an idea to create a monument during his visit to Egypt in 1993, Luxor city, where located the monument for independence of Egypt.

Nursultan was accompanied with Shota Ualikhanov on this trip, that's how he recalled these events. - The President drew our attention to the standing alone graceful shape that covered with inscriptions, and said to me: "Shota Edrisovich! Why should not we build something similar at home in honor of acquiring independence?! Think! ".

There was collected team of authors for creating the monument, which was led by honored architect of the republic, a descendant of Shokan Ualikhanov- Shota Ualihanov. In addition, the team has members: sculptors such as A. Zhumabaev, N. Dalbayev, A Boyarlin, M. Mansurov, K.Suranchiev, K. Satybaldin and architects as K.Zharylgapov, K. Montahaev, constructors S.Kalamkarov and builder A. Ermegiyaev.

The complex is an art work, which synthesizes architecture, sculpture, text sayings of prominent figures of science, culture and the state.

Features of the complex location: forms of the area, terrain, nature of the surrounding architecture reinforced the originality of construction composition. Exposition space of the monument was stretched horizontally to 180 meters. Center of the composition is a vertical plastic stele resembling relief of Mangyshlak kulpytas and having a height of 28 m. It ends with sculpture of the "Golden Man" with height of 6 m - the ruler, who governs the winged leopard by standing and symbolizes a solid state power in Kazakh land. Such image is recreated based on the study of specific archaeological findings in the Issyk burial mound near Almaty, where the Saks emperor was buried (VIII-IV centuries BC) in formal attire with regalia and attributes of sovereignty. (Clothing style, gold ornaments are world art masterpieces, inspirational works of human genius).

Stela is established on a semicircular podium with diameter of 28 meters, which is placed in the center of circular area with a diameter of 46 meters by fixing a particular point in space. Location of two high-rise buildings on the background does not merge the monument due to the exact distance between them. At the foot of the stele, on the podium, are sculptural group of allegorical figures: "Sage-sky", "Mother of the Earth" and two children on the foals. Children- horsemen symbolize youth and the future of our great Republic. They are ready to participate in the "competition" on the mastery of human values.

On both sides of the stele, at a distance of eighteen feet, placed ten relief-sculpted walls like a horseshoe around the circle. These walls are like the diadem, and it has artistic meaning by giving comprehension to the whole complex. It reflects historical themes from ancient times to the present day: the formation of the state, Homeland defense, the great disaster years, national liberation, World War II, the December events in 1986 and declaration of the independence, etc.

There are words at the bottom of the front stele, which are inscribed in Kazakh and Russian: "On 25 December 1990. Proclaimed the sovereignty of Kazakhstan". "16 December 1991. State declared the independence of Kazakhstan". At the foot of the stele, on the plaque, is handprint of the President, which assumed the Constitution during the oath. Traditionally, visitors of the city and citizens, who are on the threshold of changes in their lives, touch the hand of the President on the plaque and wish their desires.

At the level of the human eye, with large letters in the Kazakh and Russian languages on kulpytas (cuneiform) are knocked sayings of famous historical figures of the past and the present. Here visitors can read the following statement of the President N.Nazarbayev: "Only peace and harmony of society ensure everyone for a decent life and work. Freedom is not self-will, it is the triumph of justice and law".

12th session of Almaty Maslikhat was decided to give "Independence" status of monumental art and local importance to the monument on 26 September 2001.


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Park of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan

"Park of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (Dendrapark) was opened on July 2010, but creation work of the unique park began in 2001. One of the first trees in the park (oak) was planted personally by the President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev in 2001, when he participated in creation of the park. . 

SATOB after Abay

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