The memorial house-museum of the Hero of the Soviet Union Manshuk Mametova has been acting more than 30 years in the West Kazakhstan region. It has become a center of perpetuating the memory of the heroic countrywoman and a place of patriotic education for youth.
Manshuk Mametova was born in 1922 in Urdinsk district, Guriev region. A little-known fact that she was given the name Munciya at birth. She was raised by cousin of his father - Mametov Ahmet and his wife Amina from the age 5. A girl was called affectionately "monshagylym" (bead), because of she had big brown eyes, mobility and glibness character. When she was asked what her name was, she replied: "Manshuk". So she chose a name that left with her forever.
Year of massive repression (1937) also affected to Mametovs family. Ahmed was arrested, who was a director of the scientific - research institute. His last words were to his wife during his arrest: "Do not hurt my Manshuk, take care of her". Subsequently, he was rehabilitated.
After graduating the high school, M.Mametova entered to medical school. When the Great Patriotic War started (1941, Manshuk was only 18 years old. She decided to go to the front. Over the years, Manshuk persistently wanted to accept her request by recruiting office. In her statement, she wrote: "... I ask you to send me to the front for killing fascists, as soon as I have no brother or sister to send to the front. Therefore, I ask myself. Komsomol from 1939. August 7, 1941. "
The 100th Infantry Brigade went to the front from Almaty on 13 August 1942. Basically it consisted of Kazakh soldiers. There were 4890 people. Among them were two Kazakh women- a doctor Maryam Sarlybaeva and Manshuk Mametova. Sergeant Manshuk Mametova died in the battle for the liberation of Nevel town on the altitude of 173.7 near the Izocha station, Pskov region on 15 October 1943. She defended the dominant height by staying alone with machine-gun. She was seriously wounded by shrapnel in the head. She killed more than 70 enemy soldiers.
Manshuk Mametova was awarded the title of the Hero of the Soviet Union posthumously for exemplary performance of command at the front in the fight against the German invaders and displaying courage and heroism by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Soviet Union on 1 March 1944.
Memorial Museum named after Manshuk Mametova was opened for the 60th anniversary in Uralsk on 7 July 1982.
The main concept of the museum was the tragic and heroic fate of the Kazakh daughter.
It is noteworthy that the museum building is historical and cultural monument of the XIX century. The family of Mametovs had lived here from 1932 to 1934.
The exposition of the museum had been presented since a period of 30 years - the life and interior of Mametov family: chairs, mirror, chest, utensils, sewing machine "Zinger", boxes, embroidery, letters, personal samovar and others. These unique and authentic artifacts were given to the museum by the mother Manshuk - Amina Suleymenovna.
The main exposition of the museum consists of 5 rooms. In the basis - during World War II, participation of West Kazakhstan Priuralsk people in 1941-1945, the contribution of our countrymen in the victory over fascism. Exposition tells about the history of the war in chronological order; reflected course of operations on the Soviet-German front, presentation of the defense battle of Moscow, Stalingrad, Kursk Bulge, the crossing of the Dnieper and the storming of Berlin.
The culmination part of the museum is "Immortal feat Manshuk" diorama, which is the only one in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The author was an artist of the military studio after Grekova in Moscow - Ananev Michail Ananevich. The diorama was opened on 22 June 1993.
The museum's collection contains more than 2,000 exhibits including six authentic letters of M.Mametova, authentic kamcha on which she wrote her name Manshuk. This kamcha was given to her as a prize for winning one of the races. A soldier's helmet, a box for gun tape and battered flask - all these artifacts were found by Russian searchers on the place of Manshuk death. The museum has lots of documents and photographs, which belong to Manshuk.
Visitors of the museum will certainly learn about the history of the "Frontovichka" club, which operates here since 1989. It is the only association in the country, which collect women together, who fought in the war. House Museum of M. Mametova became their "headquarters". In the late of 1980s, the club had about 70 veterans. Now only few people come to the meeting with youth.
Museum staff has painstakingly collected all materials, which relate to Manshuk Mametova. Due to their work, future generations can learn about her life and the history of heroism.
The North-Kazakhstan regional museum of history and local history was founded in 1924. The museum was supplemented thanks to expeditions, towndwellers. The fund of the museum permanently grew and a big number of pictures and sculptures were being collected and fine arts section was opened in 1951.In 1970 the museum moved to a new building.
Syrymbet Historical-Ethnographic Museum named after Sh.Ualikhanov is located in Syrymbet village, Aiyrtau distict. The museum complex includes a museum of Sh.Ualikhanov. The total area is 1663 square meters. It was an eminent ancestral building of the scientist. It is situated from 4 km southeast of Syrymbet village, and area is more than 4030 square meters.