The Asan-ata mausoleum can be named as a heritage of all Turkic nations of Central Asia. The mausoleum is located in Shiely district of Kyzylorda region in 5 kilometers to the east from the railway station of Baygekum.

The period of construction is the 16th century. Author of the building is unknown.

Famous building was erected in honour of state figure, akyn and philosopher Asan Kaygi Sabituli. Nickname “Kaygi" means “distressed" that proves the fate of the famous poet who lived in the end of the 14th century and the beginning of the 15th century. According the Kazakh myths Asan Kaygi travelled a lot visiting Kokand, Bukhara, Khiva and remote town of Kashgar. Key philosophical view of the steppe sage was the search of land of the Covenant where his nation would not be threatened by drought, illnesses and enemies. The period in his life when Asan was zhiray (sage) at court of Zhanibek khan is considered as the most creative.

In terms of architecture the building of the mausoleum represents medieval ritual construction with doorway and dome. Burnt bricks with clay mortar were used as main construction material.

The dome and the premise under it are based on firm square doorway with the size of 3.8 and 6.98 meters. The height of the building from floor until the top of the dome is 7.76 meters. Octagonal construction of the mausoleum consists of wall covered with cement and clay mortar plaster.

Alongside with Kazakh worshippers the mausoleum is often attended by many Turkic nations of Central Asia: Uzbeks, Karakalpaks, Turkmens, Kirgizs. Auto routes from the railway station of Baygekum are running for visitors. Historical value of the monument was noted in the Soviet era. The mausoleum was included in the list of the historical and cultural monuments of state value by the decree of the ministries' council of Kazakh SSR in 1982 and taken under the government's protection.

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The Asan mausoleum

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