State Historical and Cultural Reserve Museum “Azret Sultan” presents whole range of archaeological and architectural monuments. The ancient Turkestan city (the historical name Yassa), where is located the reserve museum, is literally surrounded by priceless monuments of the past. It allowed becoming a kind of symbol of the medieval history of Kazakhstan, and the center of pilgrimage and historical tourism.
Monuments of Turkistan always attract the attention of scientists and museum professionals.
The "National Architecture complex Museum of Ahmed Yassaui" was opened based on Ahmed Yassaui mausoleum on September 1978. After 11 years later, it was announced to unite into one organizational space all major architectural monuments and museums of Turkestan. Thus,
State Historical and Cultural Reserve Museum “Azret Sultan” was presented in 1989.
The State Reserve Museum is located at the crossroads of Highway Shymkent - Kyzylorda, at the corner of Tauke Khan Avenue and Almaty square.
Pearl and the main object of the reserve, of course, was the historical and architectural monument of the fourteenth century, the mausoleum of the spiritual mentor of Turkic people - Khozha Ahmed Yassaui, who was known as Azret (Hazrat) Sultan - Sultan of all Saints.
It is the only architectural monument of the middle Ages, which has been preserved until the present time. Mausoleum of Khozha Ahmed Yassaui is the first monument in history of Kazakhstan, which was added to the UNESCO World Heritage List on June 2000.
Besides the magnificent ancient building, “Azret Sultan” cultural reserve – museum includes eight other historical monuments, which were united by a common organizational and scientific infrastructure.
"Azret Sultan” reserve includes:
1. Museum of Khozha Ahmed Yassaui ХIV century - Exposition area is 654.98 sqm. m.
2. Underground mosque "Hilvet" ХII century - 702 sq.m.
3. "Zhuma Mosque" Museum ХVIII century - 603.6 m. m.
4. "Hammam” Museum - 130 sq.m.
5. Historical Museum of Tukestan - 1050 sq.m.
6. Museum of Archaeology and Ethnography ХIV century - 140 sq.m.
7. Museum - Mausoleum of Rabia Sultan Begim ХV century -62 sq.m
8. "Street of Turkestan" Museum ХIX century- 452 sq.m.
The total exhibition area of museum is 3,794.52 sq.m.
Currently, the museum consists of 114 historical, cultural, religious and spiritual, archeological and architectural monuments, among which one has international, 50 - Republican and 63 - local importance. The total area of the protected area is calculated - 529.4 hectares.
The main reserve museum fund is 13,800 exhibits, and it has a research library with more than 5 million books.
State Historical and Cultural Reserve Museum "Azret Sultan" is the most visited object by tourists in the region and the most important landmark of Kazakhstan. It has more than 350,000 visitors each year.
The main required objectives for the staff of reserve museum are to turn into ancient city, museum city and the spiritual center of all Turkic people.
The museum has the following departments:
1. Research Department
2. Research Library
3. Science Department funds
4. Protection Department of historical and cultural monuments
New departments is planned to open in the future: Research and development department of archeology, Ethnography and ethnology, History department of religion, Cultural and mass department, Exposition and exhibition department, Security department, Department of restoration and conservation.
"Azret Sultan" provides active and diverse activities in order to promote heritage, which is preserved in historical monuments. There are competitions on "Yassaui conduct" at the Republican level. The International scientific and practical Conferences are annually provided for studying and identification of heritage Yassaui in the spiritual and cultural existence of the Turkic peoples since 2007. There are several published books by the staff of the museum including a bibliography "Khozha Ahmed Yassaui". Traveling exhibitions from the museum's reserve are regularly provided in different cities of Kazakhstan. There was an exhibition "Seven Wonders of Turkestan" in Almaty, where presented more than 200 exhibits from the Museum. Such exhibitions were also held in Astana, Aktobe, Atyrau, Taraz, Uralsk, Karaganda, Pavlodar and other cities.
State Historical and Cultural Reserve Museum "Azret Sultan" is a cultural object, which has huge scientific and practical, tourist significance for whole Kazakhstan.
The South-Kazakhstan regional museum of history and local history was founded in 1920. Famous scientist and orientalist M. E. Masson and local researchers of local history – V. P. Trizna, I. K. Bykov, M. I. Meklenburtsev and others had played a big role in the formation and development.
This small museum can certainly be added to the list of the most interesting and unique museums in Kazakhstan. Geographical location, history of creation and a narrow thematic orientation make it unusual. Historical museum of the cotton economy is located 230 kilometers from Shymkent, in a small village Atakent, Maktaaral district, the South Kazakhstan region.