Drama Theatre named after Anton Chekhov is one of the favorite places of Pavlodar residents.

Urban amateur theatrics are eagerly awaiting the opening of each theatrical season, and the creative team of the theatre always justifies their expectations by delighting audiences with new interesting works.

The theater is located in the historical center of Pavlodar, Lenin Street 166. Pavlodar Drama Theatre has a long history. The opening of the theatre took place in the years at the end of World War II, 1945.

Significant contribution of creation and further development of the theatre was made by famous theatrical figures as V.Ermakov, V.Kuzenkov, I.Raysky, E.Enikeev. The history of the theatre is full of bright and memorable events, where special stage was allocated by triumphant theatre tours in Moscow, 1967.

Well-known masters worked in the troupe at different times: National Artist of the Kazakh SSR Yu.Strunina, Honored artists of Russia O.Afanasev, L.Monastyrsky, I.Chistyakov, Yu.Kalashnikov, A.Buldakov and others.

More than 600 plays and 30,000 performances, which were seen by about 20 million people, were delivered during a half century of active, interesting and productive works.

Today, the theatre remains faithful best tradition, enriching the palette staging activities by distinctive original productions, theatrical scale projects, new forms and methods of work.

New creative period of the theatre began in 1997, when Viktor Avakumov headed it. Victor Avakumov - director and artistic director of the Drama Theatre named after Anton Chekhov - Honored Artist of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and member of the Union of theatrical workers of the Republic of Kazakhstan. He was awarded with medal "Eren enbegi ushin" for merit of the Republic and significant contribution to the development of theatrical art.

Today, the repertory has more than 30 performances of classical and modern drama. There are plays such as: "Love Poem" by G.Musrepov, "Tartuffe" by Moliere, "The Cherry Orchard" by Anton Chekhov, "The Master and Margarita" by M. Bulgakov, "Bankrupt" by V.Ostrovsky, "The Seagull" by Anton Chekhov, "Juno and Avos" by A.Rybnikov, "Players" by Nikolay Gogol, "Marriage of Bal'zaminov" by A.Ostrovsky and performances for children and youth.

A small stage was opened in 2000, where provides experimental performances and avant-garde staging areas. "Moon Wolves," "Ehay", "Wonderful Woman" by N.Sadur, "Assemblage" by D.Harmsa are very popular among audiences. The troupe has 28 actors.

Theatre repeatedly went to tour in Kazakhstan and abroad. It participated in various festivals and competitions, so Pavlodar Theatre of Chekhov became the winner of the VIII International Theatre Festival "Compatriots" in 2013, which was in Saransk (capital of Mordovia).

Performance of Pavlodars was recognized as the best not only by audience, also by artists from rival theatres. According to competition, only one theatre could be the laureate, and Drama Theatre of Anton Chekhov won that prize at contest.

The official website of the theatre has a guest book of reviews. There are hundreds of grateful letters from audiences, who are pleased to visit the theatre and wait new premieres.

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