The first and only at that time in Kazakhstan stationary planetarium was opened in Aktobe on 3 January 1967. The opening history is unique, because it is associated with the gift by citizens of defunct GDR country.

Valuable and unusual gift - optic-mechanical apparatus "Planetarium" was given to Aktobe in the middle of 60s. Accompanying documents had an inscription: "To workers of the Soviet Union from German". Gift was given to Aktobe, because Aktobe region had rich grain harvest in 1962, and it was decided to send the excess to the German Democratic Republic. In gratitude, Germans gave the "Planetarium" machine to the city.

After learning about the unique gift, head of the Aktobe region immediately ordered to start the construction of special building for planetarium in the city. The building was built specifically for the device in a short period, about 3-4 months. Specialists from Moscow came for installation the equipment. 47 years old "Planetarium" German machine works correctly in the Kazakh city.

World-famous firm «Carl Zeiss», which was set in a star hall of Aktobe planetarium, made «Planetarium» apparatus. It allows you to see stars world from the Earth.

The main features of the Aktobe regional planetarium are licensed full-domed programs with a demonstration of the starry sky and the solar system. Sessions are conducted by using pictures and videos that fill the entire inner surface of the dome, which create the effect of total immersion.

The star hall of the planetarium demonstrates various astronomical phenomena such as solar and lunar eclipses, meteor showers, the halo, sunrise and sunset with several projection devices.

In addition, the star hall delivers popular lectures on astronomy, space exploration, lectures for children. The foyer of the planetarium presents to visitors panorama of the solar system, the Mars planet, map of the star space, space corner, and visitors can take a lot of information and are acquainted with astronomical area.

The planetarium makes regular events on the natural sciences, lectures about space and traditional festivals.

Aktobe regional planetarium became a part of the Euro-Asian community Planetarium at the International Conference of the Commonwealth of planetariums in Barnaul, 2008.

Aktobe regional planetarium is one of the largest centers of astronomical knowledge and space in the region. It supports the creative connection with the Almaty Astrophysical Institute named after V.Fesenkov, lecture group of the St. Petersburg Pulkovo Observatory, Baikonur Cosmodrome Museum, and with planetariums of Orenbursk, Nizhny Novgorod, Smolensk and Russia.

Planetarium staff provides an active educational work among the younger generation. They provide interesting and informative lectures on astronomy, lessons on knowledge of the world, children's lectures, and observation through telescope, draw competition, Olympiads and conferences on astronomy, poetry contests about space, thematic evenings, and meetings with interesting people for children. In addition, there are provided constant methodological assistance to teachers and students.

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